Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat!!

With Tagg, it's always a treat! Our Little Monster-Alligator-Dragon (depending on who you asked) had a great first Halloween. Kind of. It's really not as much fun, apparently, when people keep putting you in a hot dragon outfit that you've almost grown out of (note the highwater sleeves!) and dragging you around town so people can see how cute you are, stopping only for 8 million photo opportunities that you refuse to smile for. Hah! Take that, mom and dad! I'm no show pony - or show dragon. Maybe he'll like it more next year, when he can actually appreciate the fact that everyone we know is giving away FREE CANDY!

We went to our friend's annual Halloween party as a prince and princess (Tagg was the little dragon who slayed us...get it? he didn't get to go to the party - past his bedtime!). Scott's outfit was notably missing a big giant sword. And armor. Alright! It was technically a Muskateer outfit but hey! At least he didn't have to cart a stapler around all night like I did, just to keep my top together. Thank goodness for the lifelike wig, which really made the outfit. And makes me want to grow my hair! There were so many great costumes, but my favorites were Marc & Becky's beer maiden and the keg, the Wizard of Oz group, and Tiff's Lara Croft - the cheapest costume ever!

Since my costume failed to survive party #1, I ended up throwing together a Hippie Love Child costume for actual Halloween day - out of stuff in my closet. Sad but true. Now Tagg guessed it, "Puff the Magic Dragon." How cute is that?! We couldn't find Scott any decent hippie clothes although I really tried to talk him into fro-ing his hair and growing out a cheesy 70s moustache. No dice. The best part? I went to vote in that outfit! You should have seen the looks! One woman actually asked if it was my real hair. Uh yeah. And I often put flowers in my hair and wear flip flops when it's 45 degrees out just to cause a stir!