Friday, February 13, 2009

The Silver Lining

Sure, it's cold. There's inversion. Everyone's fat and tired from the holidays. The economy's in the crapper. But we are HAPPY! What's more fun than bubble baths? And 6-month-olds learning to eat and loving their old-fashioned doorway bouncer?! The inauguration. Hope. That's what 2009 is all about. Hope.

We hosted a Superbowl party which was really fun. We had kids and dogs everywhere, more Cardinal fans than Steelers fans, one person (Tiffany) who hogged all the winnings in the pool, a little man who decided to have a melt down for the entire 3rd quarter, and ended up with entirely too much food - but what an awesome game!!

Since mommy and daddy got a new dining room set and new bedroom furniture, Tagg graduated from the bumbo to a high chair. It's the only safe place to let him eat biter biscuits (thanks for turning me on to those, Aunt Nicole!). Those are a nasty mess but he sure likes them and they seem to help with the teething.

We got to spend some fun time with Grandma and favorite cousin Ashley on her 2nd birthday in January. If you haven't seen the "sliding" post from the last entry, check it out!

Tagg is definitely getting tall. Mommy is soooo not worried that he's going to be taller than her. ;-) He loves to stand up, with some help, and is sitting up all by him self. He loves almost all of his food, although sometimes he makes some pretty "yuk" faces when he starts eating! Scott keeps trying to convince him that veggies suck, but he's not buying it. Tagg has been very interested in grabbing lately: hair, earrings, noses, noses, dad's face ... anything he can get his hands on and inspect!

Tagg got into his fancy duds so he could hang out with Papa and the fam at the boat show. How cool is that hat (please, do not say anything about Newsies!). Scott had a good show, relatively speaking. The industry isn't what it used to be but he is always a success. His passion and hard work always serve him well.

Tagg is enjoying things like "flying" (what's with the hair that looks read and like it's shaved in a mohawk?! in real life, blond, blond! but still kind of looks like a mohawk) and the toss game. He is - as his shirt says - 100% Boy! He likes to sleep like a little frog (so cute) and finally, at the ripe old age of 6 months, got his first cold. He is loving his baths and the super cute ducky slippers that Kris and Amy and the family bought him. Can't believe January is over already and it's almost Valentine's Day. -sigh- Must start blogging faster!