Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Am One! I Am One-derful!

Who's the cool dude?!

Tagg's first birthday. It's so amazing that it's been a full year already. It's been such an emotional time for us, remembering the emotional roller coaster we were on last year at this time - pure joy, thankfulness, fear, happiness, empathy. We feel so incredibly blessed and thankful that we are here today to celebrate not only Tagg's first birthday, but also everything in our lives and in his birth family's lives that reinforce what a wonderful, unique and cherished experience this is. We love Tagg more than either of us ever thought possible, and just when you think your heart is as full of love as it could ever be, it grows a little more. We love how much he is our family. We love his accomplishments, his moods, his smiles and giggles, his emerging personality, his love of books, mac n' cheese, watermelon, balls, saying "bad dog" and making cheez faces. We love that his birth family gave us a gift for which there will never be enough thanks, and that we can celebrate their successes along with them. Celebrate. It's a perfect word for an idyllic situation. We don't just celebrate today...we celebrate every day!

We had a fabulous party for Tagg on his birthday. Aunt Kris was in town from California and, true to form, she took the festivities to a whole new level (cute fish from the bathroom = party decorations!)

Mom and Aunt Kris did a great job coordinating the food and the decorations. Aunt Tiff got the hook-up on a bunch of amazing posters and invites. Brooke and Canyon were in town from Seattle and the rest of the Harmer clan were able to join us for bounce-housing, washoes and sliding. Even Morgan got in on the birthday act...or maybe she just wanted to be the princess for a minute.

We still had the bounce house and the swing set which wer big hits with kids young and old (hello, Uncle Marc!).

Tagg's friends and family were so generous with his gifts. I can't imagine a one-year-old who needs as many clothes and toys as he has but we're grateful that he's just spoiled enough. Tagg enjoyed his birthday cake with just as much enthusiasm as the first one (broccoli may never have a chance!) and took advantage of the family for walks and ball kicking. Hey...whatever! "I'm the birthday boy!" He's a very lucky boy to be loved as much as he is, by everyone in his life. Happy birthday, little man!!