Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thanks...I got it...

Well, mom and dad kind of missed the Thanksgiving blog with photos so I figured I'd take over this month. So here we go, in no particular order, with my commentary. You know, sometimes if you want things done right, you just have to do them yourself.

These days, I'm experimenting with putting my dish on my head. I like hats but I don't want mom and dad to know, so I rip every hat they put on my head off immediately - don't care how cool it is! - but I feel compelled to put this sticky syrup dish on my head. Go figure! I'm also working on silverware, but wow, this spaghetti stuff is just impossible. Kiss, anyone?

This is me and my friend Nikelle at brunch on a Sunday. Mom and Aunt Tiff just ran 10 miles because they're training for a big race in Vegas, so they kind of smelled. But breakfast was great and I love that Nikelle played hiding games with me and she likes it when I try to kiss her. And crayons are pretty good for breakfast!

My new favorite place to sit, you might ask? The refrigerator, of course. It's cool.

We got to go to the aquarium over Thanksgiving. I just started watching Nemo...luuuuvin it! Where is Dorie's academy award, I ask?! So I'm way into fish now. I loved all the fishes and now have super cool Nemo stuffed animal who sleeps with me at night. I can point out any fish anywhere - goldfish crackers, fish on menus, colorful bugs or birds that I think I can persuade people to agree are "fishes." I think I can convice mom and dad into getting me a fish for Xmas. Workin' it now!

Mom and Dad had a "garage-gating" party for the big U/BYU game. Shut it! When the game isn't at home, you do what you can do! It was a pretty great event, with Washoes (I'm quite good) and oodles of food...right up till the part where we lost! The adults seemed pretty bummed out but I was busy playing some pool ball game with my buddies that came over. I also learned that my family is competitive. Papa and Uncle Marc were playing PS2 and's serious stuff.

Mommy and Aunt Tiff went to Las Vegas to run the Rock n' Roll half-marathon. There were 30,000 people there, fireworks, Elvises, bands. It sounded cool. I got a Rock Star t-shirt and a bear so I was happy.

In other news...I like to dance.

Alright, people. That's it. Hopefully my parents will be on it enough to take care of the December posts. If not...I'm on it!

Love, Tagg