Saturday, January 30, 2010

Christmas 2009

The holidays were absolutely fabulous! Busy, crazy, wonderful ... perfect!

We took Tagg to see Santa Claus for the first time. We heard they had the best Santa and that was no lie! Real beard and everything! Tagg was not impressed. It took about 30 seconds for the tears to start flowing!

Some of Tagg's favorite gifts:

- his musical guitar which actually plays some pretty cool songs

- golf clubs (thanks, dad...hopefully you can teach him that they're for hitting balls not people and soon!)

- the Tickle Monster book (only when daddy reads it)

- a canister of Double Bubble (makes you wonder if all the fancy toys are worth it!)

Tagg was very helpful in decorating the Christmas tree. He's been into stacking cups so while we were decorating the tree, he started sticking cups on the branches and wah-lah! We had a new theme for the plastic cups as ornaments! It was awesome because he could play with the cups all he wanted. Put any of the little glass balls down at his level and there were glass shards everywhere.