Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

In spite of the snowstorms that FINALLY decided to show up on and off over Easter weekend, we had a really great holiday.

We did a Sunday dinner the week before at Grama and Bompa's house and the weather was actually really nice. Ashley brought her Easter bunny (really cute!) but she and Tagg were way more excited about being able to run, run, run in the front yard than they were about the poor rabbit.

We dyed Easter eggs with Nana and Aunt Biff (Tagg's nickname for Tiff) while Daddy watched the Final Four.

Tagg did his best to root the Mounties to victory but ultimately he was no match for Duke.

Since we woke up to about 3 inches of snow on the ground both Saturday and Sunday, we did our Easter egg hunt inside.

Tagg is getting so good at counting - even though the number 4 was conspicuously MIA that day - and with his colors.

He was completely uninterested in the chocolate and the new swimming suit that were in his Easter basket but was happy to help me eat strawberries (good boy!) and of course yogurt and eggs were on the brunch agenda so he was happy!

Tagg had a runny nose all day and by the end of the day Auntie Leese had diagnosed him with conjunctivitis so we got a visit from the Easter bunny in the morning and by that night we were paying a visit to the doctor. And in between we had brunch, painted the living room, cleaned the house, infected the entire family with germs and had Easter dinner. No wonder we're exhausted!

A Day at the Park

Thank goodness it's getting to be Spring. We still have to wear a coat to the park and the grass is still brown but at least the slides aren't covered with snow! Tagg loves the slide. He likes to sit at the top and say "Ready, Set, Gooooo." Of course, he also likes to pick up the wood chips from the playground and throw them on his head. But hey! everyone's idea of fun is a little different!