Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Holidays!

We kicked off the holiday season (which, judging by the appearance of Christmas music and wrapping paper the day after Halloween has been going on for some time now) with a slight variation on our normal Thanksgiving tradition. Scott's parents went to visit the Seattle family so we had turkey dinner the week before with them and then on Thursday with Lisa's family. It was great to not eat Thanksgiving dinner twice in one day - for the first time in almost 10 years! This year we were especially appreciative of all we have to be thankful for: Tagg, Tagg, Tagg!, our families, Tagg's birth family, our friends, our health, our good fortune in these difficult times. We are very, very blessed in every way.

We headed down to Lake Powell for our final trip of the year on Friday. The weather was beautiful!! Lisa had a nasty cold which Tagg managed to avoid - there's something else to be thankful for!

Tagg is growing like a weed! At his 4 month check up, he was 26.5 inches (96th percentile!) and almost 16 pounds (70th percentile) so tall and thin. He's incredibly healthy and active. One of our big goals in life is to get him to smile so we can see the cute dimple in his cheek! The Christmas tree with all of its lights are a new favorite of his. Tagg is rolling over and loves to stand up (with a little help from whoever is around!). He's started playing in his jumpers, which he loves. Even though he's pretty tall he does need a little help from the yellow pages so he can get a real good push off. He's even learning to drive the boat...he seems to have quite a natural knack for it! ;-)

Lisa and Tiffany and our friend Anneli just completed their first half-marathon (13.1 miles!) in Las Vegas on December 7th. It was a really fun race, if you can believe that!, complete with fireworks, jogging Elvises and a run-through wedding chapel. These are not our running outfits but we look a lot cuter in this picture than we did at the end of the race where we looked sweaty and kind of like we'd been run over by a tractor trailer!

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