Sunday, October 18, 2009

Little Football Fan

Tagg went to his first Ute football game on September 26th, his 14-month birthday against Louisville. It was not his first tailgating event,so as you can see even at his age the kid has his priorities straight!

We couldn't find any U of U gear in his size that wasn't sweats which would have been cruel considering it was about 100 degrees out! He did manage to get some beads from the gals (don't ask!) but quickly decided that playing in some mud was much more exciting than barbecue and socializing.

He did find some kids to play ball with, which was fun. And then he fell asleep. Till halftime! But once we were in the game, he had a blast. He kept pointing at the field saying "ball" and then clapping. So cute!

The Utes won 30-14. We had a great time, and beat all the traffic home. Gotta love it! Thanks, mom and dad, for the 50-yard-line season tickets and the parking pass. You're awesome!

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend at Lake's one of our family traditions! We left late on Thursday night and got settled in around 2am. Ouch. Tiffany, Marc and Becky came down the next day and we ended up on a fabulous sandy beach in Bullfrog Bay with about 15 of our nearest and dearest boating friends.

It kind of looked like an on the water boat show! Although the weather was a little sketchy, overcast with enough storms that we had to put our tops up, we had a blast. Tagg had a blast playing in the sand with all of the kids. Chery took a few gorgeous pictures of Scott walking on the beach with Tagg. She's so talented!

The Annual Powell Trip!

Better late than never they say, and I hope that's true cuz this one dates back to the first week of August! We had a fabulous week, great weather, good skiing, lots of cards and...splashing! Well, that was Tagg mostly but wow, he had fun. We played this great game called splashing (with his hands), kickin' (with his feet) and running (where we'd hold him up and he'd run on the water splashing the whole time laughing hysterically.

Tagg went with us on every morning ski run, decked out in his shades and lifejacket and a hat, if we could get him to keep it on. It was so nice to be back out in Last Chance which always seems to have glass water.

Tagg really likes riding on the wave runner. He'd hop on and smile, push some buttons, take off for a slow ride with daddy and, boom! he was out like a light. Not once, not twice ... every single time he got on the wave runner! It was so funny! Maybe next year he'll be one of the kids screaming for more donuts and go-fasts, but this year, the wave runner was all about naptime!

The week was perfect. Entirely too much food and fudge jumbles, hold 'em games till the wee hours, water balloon bombings, craft projects with the kids, washoes and frisbee golf, and lots of water sports including Sandy's monumental double-morning ski which lasted an eternity!, not to mention the emergency trip to the poop dock. Ah, mem-rees!

And, yes, Tagg's learning to drive the boat - with a little assistance from dad, of course! He had a great time with all of his cousins that week and we're already counting the days till next year!