Sunday, October 18, 2009

Little Football Fan

Tagg went to his first Ute football game on September 26th, his 14-month birthday against Louisville. It was not his first tailgating event,so as you can see even at his age the kid has his priorities straight!

We couldn't find any U of U gear in his size that wasn't sweats which would have been cruel considering it was about 100 degrees out! He did manage to get some beads from the gals (don't ask!) but quickly decided that playing in some mud was much more exciting than barbecue and socializing.

He did find some kids to play ball with, which was fun. And then he fell asleep. Till halftime! But once we were in the game, he had a blast. He kept pointing at the field saying "ball" and then clapping. So cute!

The Utes won 30-14. We had a great time, and beat all the traffic home. Gotta love it! Thanks, mom and dad, for the 50-yard-line season tickets and the parking pass. You're awesome!

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