Sunday, November 8, 2009

Trick or Treat!

We can't believe it's Halloween already! Seems like just yesterday that we were bundling Tagg up in his little dinosaur, monster, dragon costume and hanging out with the family while it rained out the trick or treaters.

This year, we got to go to the pumpkin patch where Tagg thought it would be cool to pound each one of the hundreds of orange "balls". It was pretty cute for the first 30 or 40 minutes! And then we somehow ended up with 86 pounds of pumpkins! What do you do with that much pumpkin?!

Tagg was not a fan of his monkey costume. Sure it was a little short on him and the hat may have been a little...well, on his head. We picked it because "monkey" has been one of his nicknames, and his favorite Wiggles song is the one with Kylie Minogue where they sing about the little monkey man. Sadly, he did not appreciate our thoughtfulness and sported a pout and determination to yank that hat off. Oh well! Better luck next year, mom and dad!

We went to the annual Halloween Roller Derby Girls - even Scott! Brad won the coin toss for the referee outfit. We actually wore our roller skates to the party and no one crashed into a door or fell down or anything! We're like old pros!

Marc and Becky came as Juno and Paulie Bleeker. Marc spent hours perfecting the tshirt and dyeing his sweatbands. Funny. Even baby Harper Grace had a costume...a pillow to make her look more prego! The Sunny D and the Tic Tacs were nice touches! We celebrated Becky's 30th bday too with a delightful Nothing Bundt Cake (if you haven't tried these...go buy one. Now. Right now!)

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