Sunday, November 8, 2009

Vamos a Mexico!

Okay, technically that's we're going to Mexico but we really went to Cabo San Lucas the first week of October. That's what happens when you're behind on the blog posts!

The trip started out kind of like the Amazing Race...with a baby. And no million dollars at the end. We were supposed to have a direct flight on Delta, but it was cancelled at the last minute due to weather so we had to rebook on American, pull our bags, re-check in everything (and there's a LOT of luggage when you travel with a baby!!), and go back through security. We barely made our flight.

When we got to DFW for a few hour layover we found out that someone pulled Tagg's ticket so we had to go back to Delta for a new one which was a little difficult since there was NO ONE at the Delta desk. It had been closed for hours and the one crabby gate agent left wouldn't help us. Fortunately we found some nice Delta folks who had stayed after hours for a party who took care of things, and again we just skated in to our flight right as they were giving us our last call and pulling our bags off the plane. So our 2 1/2 hour direct flight turned into an all-day, stress-filled journey. Which ended with our patio being flooded with about 4 inches of water. At least Tagg was awesome the whole time, as usual!

Once we got settled, things were wonderful! We were a little worried about how Tagg would do with the food and the heat but he was awesome. There were a few things he didn't lemons. But he loved quesadillas, guacamole and fruit. The kid ate it like it was going out of style.

He really loved the pool and the ocean and the sand and mariachi bands. He and daddy had a blast at the pool, and he was a hit with all the ladies. He also liked sleeping...anywhere. Maybe it was the heat but he literally fell asleep on the table at the Office before we were able to him to a chair. That ended up being a little expensive because all the beach vendors come by so we shopped for his whole 2 hour nap! Luckily he woke up in time to help us pick out some very important gifts.

We had kind of a big group: my sister Tiffany and our friend Ana stayed at the resort next door and our friend Jenny, her husband Mark and their 4-year-old Nikelle were at a different resort with Jenny's birth sister and her whole family. We went to a fiesta one night with them which was really fun. The kids were a riot. They were up on stage, dancing and singing and their little guy was having a full-on dance party on stage. Rock star in the making, I think!

We went to gym almost every morning and did some yoga, and we all had massages one day which was lovely. Especially after walking up and down the beach in the heat with big backpacks and big one-year-olds to carry! We really enjoyed relaxing on the balcony and enjoying the views. One day we rented a car and went to the surfers' beach and Arts N' Beer, got some sun and had a few sangrias and buckets o' beer to go with our chips and salsa. It was a really fabulous and relaxing trip and we can't wait to go back!

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