Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This blog is easy. All photos!

The title of course refers to the kids...they take such amazing pictures! These were taken a couple of weeks ago for Tagg's 2nd birthday. We can't believe how big he's gotten. He looks like such a...boy!

I don't know that he'll ever have that cheesy grin. He's always been so serious in front of the camera. Sure it was over a hundred degrees this day, at 5:30 pm and he was a little hungry...I guess all things considered, he looks pretty happy! That little devilish smile is all him. It completely belies his sweet, sweet nature.

As you can tell, he's really into Cars (the movie) right now. Sadly, these two Lightning McQueens met an unfortunate fate when Tagg vroom-vroom-vroomed them right over that ivy-covered wall...into an atrium. An atrium that was one floor down, with no door or window access. I actually thought, for a split second, about scaling down this sad little aspen to try and retrieve them but then figured, meh...there's a Target on the way home! As he said "bye-bye Lightning McQueen!" One of Natalie's friends, Jodi (A Yummy Life photography) shot these pix for us at her studio downtown. Pretty amazing!

We got a few adorable pix of mommy and the kids and Tagg and Sloane too. I hope that someday they appreciate these pictures as much as we do!

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