Monday, September 6, 2010


Tagg started his 2nd birthday with a bang. A bang as in a thunderstorm, unfortunately! That pushed that party inside. Total bummer for me because I only cleaned OUTSIDE. Stupid rain! We made the best of it and Tagg was completely enamored of his Cars balloons, Cars cake, all the Cars themed presents, especially the books and swim trunks! He got a fabulous motorized Lightning McQueen car from Nana and Papa, which we thought was cute since that's what he calls the new boat. Don't mind the grouchy face in the photo. He really loved them both! Tagg had a ball with the wrapping paper. He was whipping it around, up and down...much more interesting than most of the gifts apparently.

In the weeks leading up to his birthday, we would ask him "are you excited for your birthday?" - his response? "NO birthday!!!" "What about presents?" "NO presents!!!" "Birthday cake? You love birthday cake!" "NO birthday cake!!!" All with a very scowly face and firm shake of the head.

Yep, that started a couple of weeks of "NO!!!" And "I don't want...", " I don't need...", "I don't like..." Just insert whatever you were talking about and it was no, no, no! Thank goodness that phase didn't last very long!

Overall it was a pretty great birthday...and this was just the first party!

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