Thursday, October 7, 2010


Sadly there was no chicken dancing, no brats (as in bratwursts...there were plenty of kid brats), no sauerkraut. Sometimes that's the risk (or bonus!) of taking 2 year olds to an event during nap time.

It was such a gorgeous Sunday to be in the mountains. Just a little too early for the leaves to be changing but it was sunny and warm and liberating.

Tagg didn't completely freak out when we got his face painted. The shark was cool! His mouth opened and so did the shark's! Of course, by the time he sacked out in the car on the way home half the shark was rubbed off on his car seat. That was 5 bucks well spent!

Tagg liked panning for gold with mommy and Aunt Biff but mostly because there was water and rocks. We had to leave when he started throwing them. Never found the gold. Should have known better. It was free.

Sloane is a dream in the sling. It's like baby crack. I don't know if it's the swaddle effect or the warmth or the movement but it's amazing how quickly she sacks out in the Maya sling. I highly recommend it if you need to carry the baby in a hands-free environment. It even has a little pocket for money and your phone.

We completely forgot sunscreen - duh. Luckily the Snowbird gift shop had some 55 SPF for babies - for the bargain price of 17 dollars. Yes...17 dollars. I refused to wash it off her head till Tuesday just because I wanted to get my money's worth. It kind of looked like she'd been white-washed but at least she wasn't sunburned!

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