Sunday, December 12, 2010

finger painting to face painting 30 quick seconds. Tagg and I were working on some works of art on Saturday morning. I was totally out of the washable paints so we were using acrylics - risky but worth it. Or so I thought. Sloane started crying so I went to pick her up, turned back around and bam! Tagg had finger painted his face. Pretty impressive.

Even more impressive? The acrylics washed off really easily! We've been "naked painting" (him, not me) to preserve his clothes and luckily these paints came right off with a little soap and water. Of course, after we cleaned up, we went straight to the store and bought more of the washables. Just in case...

And the picture turned out lovely, too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i couldnt stop laughing at this he looks like hes having so much fun and the " naked painting ( him, not me) " put a big smile on my face haha