Sunday, October 26, 2008

Three for Three

Three months old, three trips to Lake Powell! We went to Powell last week to celebrate Scott's birthday (October 23rd). The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we had a great beach on a little island all to ourselves.

We built sandcastles for Tagg (he is not into them yet, but we had fun!) and decided we better test out his cute little board shorts before he grows out of them. Scott was such a proud papa! This picture is now his screensaver. So dang cute!

Tagg has been an awesome boy, as always. He loves to play songs for mommy on his puppy playyard. He'll play with it for hours and his little arms and legs just get going like he's doing crazy jumping jacks. He's getting really good at rolling over on his side and pushing up on his hands when he's on his belly. He took to sleeping in his crib like a champ and usually goes 6 to 8 hours at a stretch. Although Friday night he had his first sleepover at Gramma and Bompa's house so mommy and daddy could have a date night. They were all excited to play with him - so of course he sacked out at 7:45, slept till 3am and then went right back to bed till 8! That makes it easy to take care of him for sure!

Tagg went to his first Jazz game with us last week. He slept through most of it, which was pretty impressive considering they won. We're getting excited for Halloween to get here. It's going to be a squeaker if he can still fit in the costume we got for him! Look for pix next week!

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