Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Blast From the Past

When Tagg was 6 weeks old, our fabulous friend Chery who is an incredibly talented photographer did a little photo shoot for us. We finally hooked up this week to get the pictures and it's amazing how much he's changed in the past month!! More fat rolls. More dimples. More chins. Not more hair.

Look at that form...he's a natural!

That was the only day he got to wear his little baseball outfit - which says "Dad's Team" on the front. He grew right out of it!

Not only was Chery sweet enough to do all these fabulous photos for us, she and Shawn even fed us dinner. You don't get that kind of treatment at Kiddie Kandids and we think the pictures are way better! We are so fortunate to have such generous, talented and loving friends!

Of course, not every shot was perfect. ;-) Usually when Tagg's pulling faces, it's more like Elvis, not Groucho Marx!

What you don't see are the behind-the-scene shots. The ones where our patient little man had a binkie stuffed in his mouth long enough to calm him down, mommy yanks it out, - snap! - , quick! put it back in before he gets really mad. And sometimes we just weren't fast enough.

He was really good the whole couple of hours, even though we were changing his outfits and blinding him with the flash! He didn't even pee during the naked shots, and believe you me... that is unusual!

You are an awesome guy, Tagg! We love you!!

(Sorry about the bum shot...kind of.)

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