Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Newest Ute Fan!

Start 'em young...that's how we Utes roll! At the ripe old age of 9 weeks, Tagg Davis went to his first U of U football game. Well, technically he just made it to tailgating but it counts! He was sporting his school colors and may have been the youngest fan there, although we did run into another little 16-week-old named Easton in the same exact outfit! They were pretty cute and we promised to hook up again in 18 years or so when they're in the game, not the stands! We emailed pix of Tagg in his Ute gear to Papa, who was in California at his 50th reunion. Tagg actually enjoyed the game, through his eyelids mostly! We told him later that they won. He said "ooo."

Tagg had his 2 month immunizations on Tuesday. He did pretty well but, due to a little fever and sore legs, he was not a happy boy that evening - at Grandma's birthday dinner. Woops... bad timing! The good news? He was 12 lbs 13 oz - holy cow! - and 24 inches long. We're amazed! He's just getting so big, you can practically see him growing every day! He's very evasive about being photographed with a smile on his face, but it's not for lack of trying! We must take hundreds of pictures of him trying to catch that cute baby grin on film and this is about as good as it gets. Sneaky little guy!

He's so strong. Pushing with his legs, almost rolling over, and definitely lifting his head up. We were pretty impressed that he's able to use the Bumbo (funny little infant chair) already but he seems to like it. For a minute or two anyway! He's also starting to smack at the toys on his playmat so he can hear the doggie song which usually makes him smiling. Of course, every time he does it, Morgan comes over to check it out and give him a little lick on the head!

With all this activity, sometimes a little guy gets worn out...and so does mommy!

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