Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our Little Rock Star

At the ripe old age of 5 weeks, Tagg took his first trip to Lake Powell for Labor Day weekend! We think we just beat a family record - Scott's brother was 6 weeks when he made his first trip. Tagg was a true rock star - and he has the outfit to prove it! He really couldn't have been any better behaved the whole trip. He slept for most of the car ride and loves to sleep in his sling while we walk the docks or the beach. He really liked checking out the scenery and practicing his rock star moves with mommy.

It was kind of funny to pack for our first trip with the baby - how does one little guy need so much stuff?! We barely had room for Aunt Tiff and the dogs! We got a special bouncer for the boat which he seems to love, even without the battery operated vibrator and music. Bright stuff that swings? Sign him up!

Tagg is starting to fit into lots of his cute clothes - luckily just in time for the end of summer! The weekend was a little bit of a fashion show, poor guy. I think our favorite outfit is still the naked-baby-in-a-diaper! It's the best for checking out his little fat rolls and cellulite. Why is that so dang cute on babies? He seemed to love the diaper-only ensemble, too, which is kind of unusual since he's got a bit of an aversion to being naked. Nana bought him this cute little striped outfit which was perfect for the cooler nights. You can't see them, but it has matching little striped socks too. Darling!

We had so much fun introducing Tagg to our favorite place and making plans for all of his future lake adventures. We are hoping to squeeze in a few more trips to the lake before the end of the year, even though it snowed in the mountains on Sunday night! Eeek! Way too soon for summer to be over!

The weather was a little funky for Labor Day but we did get to see an awesome lightning storm. It was fun to watch from the comfort of our enclosures and nice, safe camp spot. We actually got lucky with the weather. The cloud cover made it a little more comfortable for Tagg to be outside, slathered in sunscreen and hidden under big hats and umbrellas!

This might be one of our favorite pictures of Tagg from the weekend because of the smile. Gas? Whatever. That is a smile! He's actually starting to find his voice so he's grunting...a lot. Mister Grunts A Lot. It's pretty funny. At first we thought he was really working on some serious diaper business but no, he's just starting to talk. By grunting and groaning!

One last cute picture...Tagg in his going-home outfit. Can you believe the difference 5 weeks makes!! It actually fits him now and it's so cute on him - one of our favorites! It's awesome that he's getting so much bigger but sometimes we're like, stop growing! It's going too fast already! - sigh - This is Tagg sleeping in his super-fancy swing.
He loves the forward-backward motion with the disco lights, circling fish mobile and ocean much for a nice rock in daddy's arms! Make sure to check out the double chin and fat rolls on his leg!

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