Monday, September 15, 2008

So, When You Say "Big"...

11 pounds 4 ounces, baby!! That was Tagg's weigh-in this week. What is that... almost double his birth weight? And he's got the fat rolls to prove it! He has graduated to bigger diapers, bigger bottles with bigger nipples, and all of his bigger clothes. It's amazing when you look at how much bigger his feet are, or note the fact that he no longer fits lengthwise on Lisa's lap. He's such an awesome baby. He's already sleeping about 4 hour stretches at night and has even pulled a couple of 5+ hour nights. Everyone says we're so lucky, and we know it! That might also explain why we have so many pictures of him sleeping!

It's been a good week, lots of firsts as usual. Tagg is holding his head up by himself and loves to look at ceiling fans, lights and blinds. We don't know why. He just decided that he likes baths, unless Morgan is giving them! (she likes to kiss his head when he's crying...she loves her baby!) He smiles more every day, especially in the morning, but it's still not the big, full-on grin and laugh we're always watching for. He loves it when we play his I Love You never fails to stop him mid-cry. He's getting pretty good at getting his fist in his mouth and sometimes even his thumb! We don't really want him to be a thumbsucker, but you still have to be proud that he can do it!

We had our first card night with the fam this weekend and Tagg got to use his namesake cards which helped Mommy kick everyone's butt! While Scott was delivering a boat to Arizona, Tagg and mommy went to the Farmers Market and bought fresh peaches, raspberries, and big, giant zucchini so Nana can make her famous chocolate-zucchini cake (sounds gross but pretty tasty). We also went to Porcupine Grill for dinner - technically Tagg's second trip there but his first on the outside! We have such great memories of meeting his birth family there for the first time. We reminisced about how much fun we had with them, the evil desserts, and the tears and laughter we all shared...the beginning of a beautiful journey together started at the Porcupine! Whodda thought!

This weekend Tagg got to go on his first hike to Cercret (pronounced Secret) Lake at Alta Ski Resort. In a few months, there will be 7 or 8 feet of snow right where we're standing! He loves to hike...although if I could fall asleep while someone else carried me up a big hill to a pretty little lake, I might like it more too! ;-) After our impressive hike (uh...45 minutes. There were grandparents with canes doing this one!) we went to Oktoberfest at Snowbird to celebrate our German heritage. No baby lederhosen involved, thank goodness, but Tagg does a natural chicken dance with his little crazy arms! The leaves are just starting to change in the mountains and none of us are quite ready for winter, so we're planning to make the most out of the autumn months and be outdoors as much as possible. Love to all!

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