Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's the Coolest Baby?!

Tagg Davis, of course! He spent his 2nd birthday (in months, that is) with his 2nd trip to Lake Powell. What a cool dude!! The weather was gorgeous so we cruised the lake a bit. Tagg loves to ride in the boat... more than he liked these cute little sunglasses!

Mommy and Morgan did a little sunbathing while Daddy and Tagg chilled out in their beach chairs on the lanai - also known as the front deck of the boat - sporting their fancy shades.

Daddy started teaching Tagg how to drive the boat, explaining all the controls to him and how to watch for shallow spots. Morgan likes to hang out where she can keep an eye on her baby and she thinks his little chubby toes are pretty fascinating!

Tagg is smiling a lot these days and there's just nothing more endearing than his little grin. He also has his serious face, his Elvis face, his squishy face...we're getting to know them all! He's getting pretty good at getting his fist in his mouth and sometimes even just the thumb. He's figuring out where his tongue is so he sticks that out at us whenever he sees fit.

One unexpected bonus from having a baby is that we get to watch the sunrise come up over the lake during his morning bottle! It's so absolutely stunning! But nothing really compares with our little man! Happy birthday, big boy!

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