Saturday, September 6, 2008

Birthdays, Triathlons & Camping

On August 23rd, Lisa and Tiffany finished their second triathlon at Jordanelle. It was a beautiful day - nice and sunny, even though it was really hot by the time we got to the noon! Even so, we both managed to beat our times from last year by over 10 minutes which was awesome. Unfortunately, neither of us made our really aggressive goal times which means we'll have to do another one! There were almost 1000 people taking part in the race, from age 13 to 70!

As usual, the swim seems to be the biggest challenge...but, geeze! look at that! It's so far, right?! Those little white dots are us and there are still two more legs to go! Thank god for wetsuits with a little flotation in them! The best part...we got medals! That's how you can tell these are new pictures since we both have the same outfits as last year. ;-)

We weren't able to have Tagg come to the actual tri because of the heat and lack of facilities, but he's still mommy's biggest fan and incentive! He sent lots of rah-rah text messages (with a little help from daddy). It was Tagg's birthday - one month! Oh wait, we're only allowed to count age in weeks at this point - 4 weeks! ;-) We couldn't believe it's been a month already and he's changed so much and done so much in such a short time. So Tagg celebrated with his first camping trip! The fact that we had power for A/C and lights and a working bathroom kind of took the "rough" out of "roughing it!" But it's a start! Tagg was awesome, as usual! He's a natural!

Tagg is getting so much bigger every day. That might be a function of how much he eats - more than double and he's into the bigger bottles already! He's finally starting to grow out of some of his newborn clothes and he's starting to get more and more little fat rolls. One of our favorite things is the little coo's he makes when he's eating (see the video if you want to see how absolutely cheesy we are!). He's always making funny faces and noises that we can ooh and aah over.

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