Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's So Rough Being Tagg Davis!

We think he's going through a growth spurt because he's been sleeping so much. He's such a sweet little boy and makes everything so easy for us! He's finding his voice a little more so we get to hear a lot more grunting and cooing. Every so often he'll have little giggle fits in his sleep. We keep trying to catch one on video but the timing never seems to work out!

Tagg got his first new car this week...complete with some pimped out rims! Scott was determined that even though we traded the Jeep in for a "family" SUV, it should not look like a soccer-mom car! The 4-wheel drive will be great in the winter and it has a DVD player in the back. Morgan even likes riding in it which is pretty shocking!

Tagg got to spend a lot of time this week with Tami and Porter. It's been nice to have another new mommy around! Plus, Porter is like our new fashion icon so we had to make sure Tagg got some hip new clothes...check out his cute little camo cargos! We just don't tell anyone that we still have to buy preemie sizes so they fit! He is starting to get a little double chin and we're so impressed that his hands seem like they're growing almost daily. They are already bigger than Porter's and he's a month older than Tagg...look out!

We went out to dinner and made the boys go to the mall a few times. Lisa kept teasing Tagg that if he was smart he'd start being fussy so he'd get out of shopping in the future, but he decided to be cute and just sleep a lot - as usual.

We also got to spend time with the grandparents this week, who absolutely dote on him. The phrase "he's pretty tough to take care of" seems to be said quite often without any seriousness whatsoever! He's such a chill little guy that he's happy to hang out anywhere, with anyone. He has struggled with gas a little more this week than in the past but we're figuring out how to keep him comfortable and calm and he's always just a great baby.

Lisa's continuing to train for the triathlon this coming Saturday but it's a little more difficult when there's a baby in the house. It's not always easy to train hard core when you're not getting a full 8 hours. Tagg suggested that a nap together might be just the ticket!

We've all been engrossed by the Olympics - go Michael Phelps! The whole gang are like Olympics Couch Potatoes - and we have the photos to prove it! Tagg will probably think the theme song is a lullaby, he's heard it so much this week.

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