Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tagg's First Week

Tagg's first week home was pretty eventful, except for the sleeping, eating and pooping! Although, for some reason, that kind of stuff now seems like a newsworthy event to us! We have discovered that changing his diapers is usually a 2-person job. Hopefully, we'll get better!

We had to get Tagg circumcised on Wednesday which was pretty traumatic...maybe more so for us! There's a reason they usually sneak them away in the hospital and bring them back magically altered. He held on to Lisa's fingers - she said "squeeze when it hurts, little man" and he squeezed until his knuckles were white. Poor little guy. He seems to have recovered nicely though.

Thursday we gave him his first bath at home. What a mess! We were terrible! He did not enjoy the bath any more at home than he did at the hospital, plus we were trying to wash around his little circumcision and his umbilical cord (both of which ended up totally soaked anyway). And, just so he was batting a thousand, he managed to pee on both of us. We were absolutely cracking up. Once we got him all bundled up in his little frog towel, he was back to his normal happy self. He's been very tolerant and patient with his newbie parents, that's for sure!

We have had a constant stream of visitors and everyone agrees that he's just perfect and darling (duh...could have told you that!). He's gotten so many cute gifts and everyone has been so sweet and thoughtful. He's gotten lots of books and clothes that don't fit and some really soft blankets. Nana and Papa bought him his first Ute onesie. Hopefully, he'll fit into it by football season! The best new outfit...his Harley jacket. Real leather and everything. Next year, it'll be perfect. For now, it's a little big...but still pretty freaking cool!

He's got more blond hair coming in, you can actually see his eyelashes and the little dimple in his left cheek is getting more pronounced as his cheeks get chubbier. We're both amazed at how strong he is. He lifts his head up on a regular basis and looks around. It's kind of freaky. Like if your dog just looked up at you and said "Hey. What's up." We don't see his eyes open nearly enough, but apparently being one week old requires lots of sleep!

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