Monday, August 11, 2008

What Could Happen in a Week?

You'd be amazed how much a little guy can accomplish in just one short week! First of all, Tagg is growing like a weed! We had our 2-week check up today and he weighed in at 7 lbs 11.5 oz and 20 inches - which means he's gained a pound and an inch since he came home. Holy cow! Scott and I had bets on his weight gain and we seriously underestimated (actually, Scott guessed pretty close and I told him he was nuts so he down-sized...hee-hee!). He must be gaining it in his cheeks because they are getting chubby! His hair is still growing and blond. He's eating twice as much and has achieved all of his one-month milestones like lifting his head and focusing on faces already. Such an advanced boy!

Tagg had his first lunch date this week. We went to Happy Sumo for sushi with our friend Tami from Michigan and her 6-week-old son, Porter. The little guys also went shopping with us but declined to pose for joint photos! We went up to Park City on Friday to meet my old co-workers for lunch and a little "shower" which was really nice. Tagg was a doll, as usual.

He also got to meet more of the family: uncle Kurt was here from Hawaii and uncle Jeff, aunt Lynne, and cousins Brooke and Canyon from Seattle were in town before the family Powell trip so they all came to the house for pizza and baby-holding. It was great to see everyone! They loved Tagg and really tried to convince us that one week was plenty old enough for a first trip to Powell. It would have set a new family record but we decided to play it safe! Morgan was pretty happy that the cousins were in town...she was their favorite for sure, and belly rubs were aplenty!

On Friday night, we went to a surprise birthday party for our friend, Brooke - Tagg's first party! He was the youngest kid there, but not the only one! As a matter of fact, his "cousin" Nikelle, 3, held him for awhile and read him a book, and "cousin" Greyson, 2, determined that he was "cute" but not as much fun as a football or the LuvSac.

Porter was there too with Tami and Jake, and the baby boys held court all night. The dads were happy to pose for pictures with the boys, making sure it was the little guys' bald heads in the shot not theirs!

Tagg's been helping us train for the triathlon, too. Well, "helping" might be a stretch. But he's gone to morning swims with Lisa and Tiffany a couple of times and has been doing his best to let mommy sleep so she has enough energy to train! He's hoping to be on-hand for the big day so he can cheer us across the finish line! It's less than two weeks away...yikes!

Of course, all this activity does tucker a little guy out which means he spends a lot of time catching up on his beauty sleep! Mom and Dad's chest, lap or arms are his favorite places to catch a snooze.

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