Thursday, August 7, 2008

Meet the...Everybody!

Tagg came home with us from the hospital on Monday afternoon. Scott and I got home and looked at each other and said, "There's a baby in our house! We have a baby!" The whole family got to come and meet him and hold him and he was welcomed with so much love. The Grandmas and Grandpas are thrilled, as are the new aunts and uncles. He must have felt like Brangelina facing the paparazzi, there were so many cameras going!

Morgan keeps looking at everyone who visits like "Uh, are you taking him home with you? I know he's not staying here forever...right?" She's actually been very good with him and now likes to curl up next to him when she can. She does not like it when he cries at night...we like to think she's worried about him, but it may be that her sensitive ears can't handle some of those glass-breaking squeals!

We've been trying to find some of his cute little outfits that actually fit him. For some reason, we all thought he was going to be a little bigger than he is. He's so cute and tiny, but his little outfits just drown him! He's a good eater and a good sleeper and just gets cuter every day. He makes the most darling little squeaks, grunts and moans and has a thousand little facial expressions. We pretty much just sit and stare at him all day long!

We are settling into our routine at home. We finally figured out the stupid swaddling thing...there's this neat little invention called a SwaddleMe that the hospital neglected to tell us about. Velcro is the best invention in the world! Even our little Houdini can't get out of it, and he actually calms down in a matter of seconds as soon as he's in his little baby straight jacket.

Both of us are amazed at how much we fell in love with him and how fun it is to be a parent. We've been peed on, spit up on, had some serious diaper blowouts and a few sleepless nights ... and it's the best thing in the world. We just couldn't love him any more! I feel like I'm on the verge of tears all the time because he is such a miracle to us.

Thanks to everyone for your support and well wishes. He's a very lucky baby to join this family and network of friends!

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