Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cutest Baby in the World!!

Way back on March 12th (Lisa's bday present ... funny, it used to be shoes!), we had a new set of pictures taken of Tagg. They're priceless, the best gift ever ... just like him. He is by far the cutest baby in the world!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Love Stairs!!

Just a week after he started crawling, Tagg decided to tackle the stairs. Successfully. Now he goes turbo-charged straight for them every chance he gets. That's really cute when he looks up at you when you walk in the door, smiles and books it across the floor to give you loves. When he's heading for the stairs, it's a little scary! We've actually taken to blocking them with the Grayco. If we could just teach him to get down backwards, it would be a lot less stressful but he's all about going head first. Crazy kid!

(P.S. Don't let the initial crying fool you. That's his fake cry!)

Tagg has been so fascinated by the dog water that we decided to give him his own splash pool outside. It's hysterical! He just loves to splash and play in the water. And we love that it's not the dog water! (Morgan's pretty happy about it too.) How fun will it be when it's warm enough for a pool?!

Pillows & Giggles

One of Tagg and Daddy's favorite games. Guaranteed laughs every time! (Remember when we were afraid we'd break him?!)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Run, Mommy, Run!

Tiffany and I finished our second half-marathon on Saturday, April 18th. We started at the U and ran way further than we ever expected, beating our Vegas time by over 10 minutes! We were less than 30 seconds behind Dane from the Biggest Loser, and beat an 85 year old dude by like seconds. Overall it was a really gratifying race. We were quite surprised at how fun and fast the race felt....seriously are we at Liberty Park already?! There were great people cheering all along the way and it was awesome.

Our dear friend Natalie ran it with us, on her birthday, and she kicked butt for her first long distance run! She's almost too funny to run with! But seriously, she really pushed us to run a faster pace than we might have otherwise. We have got to stop inviting people who beat us! Lori and Brad did the marathon course on their bikes and Scott sprinted to the finish line with Tagg in a stroller so that they could be there to cheer us on at the finish line. It was really awesome and Tagg loved the medals!

We were very grateful that we managed to squeeze on a packed Trax train, that Lisa's vitamin I kicked in, that the weather was beautiful and the free bands were willing to get up at the crack of dawn to play for us, that little kids were standing in their front doors in their PJs waving flags for everyone, that my friend Carrie gave us VIP treatment on our gear check, for coffee, and that our friends and loved ones were there to cheer us on for those last, painful few hundred yards. 13.1 miles baby!

After the race, we all went to Nikelle's 4th birthday party at "Bouncing Off the Walls" which is as crazy as it sounds! The bounce house has slides, climb walls, and all kinds of inflatable fun. Of course, that also means a few teeth through lips, bloody noses, potential athlete's foot... were we supposed to know that socks were required?! We had gotten Nikelle a cute little princess crown and scepter in Catalina and it seemed like a hit. She is a little princess after all! Maybe she'll see that picture where Ana and I were trying it on (just to see) and think her crazy ol' "aunts" are really cool. Tagg was a little overwhelmed by his first birthday party, but he sure loved going down the slide with Daddy.

After that, we ran home for a costume change and went to a wedding reception in Provo. It was really beautiful and there were kids and chocolate fountains and gorgeous pictures of the newlyweds everywhere. Congratulations Brett & Stacey!

What a crazy, crazy day. I'm tired. We need another weekend!

Happy Easter!

Easter egg hunts? With candy? Are you kidding?! Just put me in the tub with some stuff to splash at! We had a great holiday with Tagg, even though his favorite parts were mostly thing we do every day.

We went to brunch at Log Haven - a beautiful, award winning restaurant just up the canyon from where we got married - with Lisa's family. The food was lovely, and Tagg was very well behaved. So much so that he actually fell asleep in the high chair. So dang cute! Aunt Tiff will be sending more pictures of him sacked out in a chair soon, so check back!

That evening, we went to Scott's parents and had a traditional ham dinner and dyed Easter eggs with his cousin Ashley who he loves dearly. Tagg got a bunch of super cute Easter clothes, a crazy singing Easter bunny, and lots of candy (thank goodness Alice the dog was rotten and ate all of it before we...I mean, WE... got to it! maybe next year he'll be a little more interested in finding the eggs. Today, the fake grass was pretty much the big hit (after splashing in the bath!)

The day was beautiful, the flowers were blooming and it finally smelled like spring! It was a beautiful Easter Sunday and we are excited for spring!