Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter egg hunts? With candy? Are you kidding?! Just put me in the tub with some stuff to splash at! We had a great holiday with Tagg, even though his favorite parts were mostly thing we do every day.

We went to brunch at Log Haven - a beautiful, award winning restaurant just up the canyon from where we got married - with Lisa's family. The food was lovely, and Tagg was very well behaved. So much so that he actually fell asleep in the high chair. So dang cute! Aunt Tiff will be sending more pictures of him sacked out in a chair soon, so check back!

That evening, we went to Scott's parents and had a traditional ham dinner and dyed Easter eggs with his cousin Ashley who he loves dearly. Tagg got a bunch of super cute Easter clothes, a crazy singing Easter bunny, and lots of candy (thank goodness Alice the dog was rotten and ate all of it before we...I mean, WE... got to it! maybe next year he'll be a little more interested in finding the eggs. Today, the fake grass was pretty much the big hit (after splashing in the bath!)

The day was beautiful, the flowers were blooming and it finally smelled like spring! It was a beautiful Easter Sunday and we are excited for spring!

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