Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Love Stairs!!

Just a week after he started crawling, Tagg decided to tackle the stairs. Successfully. Now he goes turbo-charged straight for them every chance he gets. That's really cute when he looks up at you when you walk in the door, smiles and books it across the floor to give you loves. When he's heading for the stairs, it's a little scary! We've actually taken to blocking them with the Grayco. If we could just teach him to get down backwards, it would be a lot less stressful but he's all about going head first. Crazy kid!

(P.S. Don't let the initial crying fool you. That's his fake cry!)

Tagg has been so fascinated by the dog water that we decided to give him his own splash pool outside. It's hysterical! He just loves to splash and play in the water. And we love that it's not the dog water! (Morgan's pretty happy about it too.) How fun will it be when it's warm enough for a pool?!

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