Monday, March 23, 2009

More Kodak Moments

Could we take any more pictures of this kid?! Maybe, but I'm not sure how! Bath time is such a wonder. Mom was asking if we love taking pictures of Tagg in the bath like they used to with us kids. The answer? Yes!! He thinks the bath is a riot and we do too.

We went to Texas Roadhouse for Lisa's unofficial pre-birthday dinner. We never really had an official one, so maybe this counts since it's the only one with pictures. At least they didn't sing! Ugh. Tagg got to sit in a high chair and try to grab everyone's meal or water glasses. We've actually been celebrating all month...starting with a trip to piano bar on Lori's actual birthday and then an evening with the Irish-ska band, the Young Dubliners the next week. When you're dancing, you kind of feel like you're in the basement of the Titanic in that one scene. You know the one. Yeah, like that! The girls from work took me out for a great, incredibly fattening lunch with an Everything Bundt Cake for dessert. Evil, evil girls. I love them!

Last week was the start of March Madness. So Tagg had to don his fancy basketball outfit and shoes in honor of this great sporting event where 3 Utah teams and West Virginia were well represented. Until each and every one of his teams got booted in the first round. That's it. No more letting the baby pick the winners in the basketball pool.

I had to include this photo. With all the crazy stuff going on in the world - AIG bonuses, Wall Street bail outs, recession, layoffs, wars, crushed hopes for the final four - it's lovely to have a baby around. With a healthy heart, warm arms to hug you and people to love you...the world is at peace. A good reminder for us old folks. Sweet dreams everyone!

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