Monday, March 2, 2009

Kodak Moments!

Yes, two posts in two days. I'm on a roll! I can't help it! Look how dang cute these pictures are! Little man was having a "play date" with his I Love You bear. It's kind of amazing that the bear was bigger than him the day we brought him home and now look at them. He did take the bear's ball away from him. Steal! Look, he can even palm the ball. Kind of. He only threw it at me twice. He's a pretty good shot.

Tagg and the bear look like little buddies, don't they? And you should see him grin when the bear says "I love you." So cute. It's so special...hence the 40 pictures!

We had a super fun weekend enjoying some springlike weather. We took Tagg for a bike ride in his new bike trailer, went jogging and took Morgan and Alice for a few walks. We are really excited for more sunny, warm days!

This little snow suit picture is left over from Christmas, but what a crack up. Can you say Christmas Story? Anyone?! I don't think he could have put his arms down if he tried. Good thing we didn't get him anywhere near a frozen pole or a leg lamp.

This picture is Scott's new screen saver. Can you believe those blue, blue eyes? The smile with the tongue is his new thing this week! Is that some kind of "I just turned 7 months old" milestone we haven't heard of? Who cares! He's just freaking cute!

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