Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

For Lisa's birthday, we decided to head to Lake Powell for the first trip of the season. The weather promised to be good - sunny and fairly warm - and it was! Well, mostly. We still had to bundle up to go walk the docks and see where all the boats have moved around during the winter. It was a great excuse to put Tagg back in his cute hats before spring settles in for real. ;-) Tagg seems to enjoy the dock walks as much as his dad!

We had a last catching up on movies that we've been too busy to watch, and playing goofy games with the baby. Mark, Jennifer and Nikelle came down for the weekend and we found - I mean, made - a super fabulous sand castle. It was so great to spend time with the Landers. A little different trip than we used to have, and infinitely better! The water was definitely too cold to do more than dip a toe in unless you're 4 or he dog chasing hot dog bits.

Tagg just loves Nikelle! He's a little too big for her to hold these days but he sure tried to get at least a hug out of her, and a kiss. Nikelle is such a sweet, funny girl. She even jumped in on our family picture and, I have to say, kind of steals the show! Mark and Nikelle taught us a new game called "Let's have corn." Corn (where Scott pretends to eat Tagg like he's a corn cob) is Tagg's new favorite game!

We did another photo shoot this week and got some great pictures. It gets expensive because they're all so dang cute and we're kind of running out of wall space. Eventually, we'll have to get a bigger house just to hang all the pictures, but really...with those eyes, can you blame us?!

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