Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Little Valentine

We had a hugs n' kisses filled Valentines Day! This hasn't been one of our favorite holidays in the past. Forced romance was not our big thing. Forget roses (although Scott actually bought romantic!) and chocolate (wait, mom and dad gave us some ). But this year, we really had fun with it! Not only did we get to celebrate the new love of our lives - Tagg! - we also got to have a great date night.

Tagg is a very, very sweet little guy. He’s got the best temperament. He’s so mellow, very rarely fussy and always in a good mood. Well, almost always. He sleeps like crazy...10+ hours every night, and always with his little bum up in the air. Sometimes we’re tempted to keep him up past 8:30 so we can play with him more! He’s very intent on figuring things out. He likes to study his toys, books, anything he can get his hands on. I swear his hair is growing like a weed all of a sudden. It kind of looks like a mohawk and we’ve tried greasing it up, but now it’s long enough that it looks kind of silly. He’s awfully handsome with those dark blue eyes and the dimple, that’s for sure!

He’s taken to eating baby food like a champ although broccoli is not his favorite (personally, I think Scott had something to do with that ;-). We’re working on the sippy cup and he’s getting the hang of eating puffs, although he ends up with more of them stuck on him and his high chair than probably make it into his mouth. I know we’ve said this before but he’s really, really close to crawling. He scooches around and rolls everywhere...if he sees something he wants, he’ll go right over and get it. He’s been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. It’s not too long before he figures out how to move forward without face planting...and then we’re in trouble! He’s really fascinated by the dogs, especially my parents’ Sheltie. We can’t decide if it’s the long hair or the fact that Gamble is more his size but he squeals like crazy and reaches out for him all the time. He's getting pretty good at standing up while holding on to things and, boy, does he think that's the coolest thing ever!

We’ve been really lucky with his health. They’ve had a nasty bout of RSV around here. A couple of our friends’ babies actually ended up in the hospital which is so scary. He had one little stuffy nose that lasted about 2 days and that’s it.

Scott did OK at the boat show. It definitely wasn’t as good as last year but they had more sales than most of the other dealers and we’re hoping they can continue hanging in there till the economy turns around. Tiffany and I just started training for another half-marathon a couple of weeks ago. It’s been tough with the weather. I hate getting up in the dark, cold mornings to go run...the snooze button is always calling! I’ve taken Tagg on a couple of jogs in his new running stroller. He likes being outside but it’s definitely harder to run with no hands! Good training I suppose. Bring on spring!!!

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