Friday, June 5, 2009


We headed to Powell for Memorial Day. The boat was finally back in the water after a little (major) engine work and as of Monday the weather was supposed to be gorgeous. We got a fabulous sunshade and umbrellas and rafts for Tagg thinking that the weather was supposed to be awesome. Instead, it rained for 4 of the 5 days...and hard! You can't see how much it poured from this picture but the little white thing is a rain of millions! It was noisy and there were waterfalls galore. Overall, an eventful trip...we lost the stroller out of the truck on the way down (saved but for some road rash), the dogs had their first trip in kennels in the back of the truck, Marc & Becky almost got hit by lightning and their windshield broke in the wind, we blew an engine and the generator but generally had a blast! We ended up camping in the Rincon the one night we were able to make it out of the slips with Scott's cousin and his boys.

In between rain storms, we played washoes, wakeboarded, surfed and water skied. It was really awesome! It was such a joy to be in our favorite place with all the sibs. Marc & Becky and Tiff are the best aunts and uncles! This little outfit was one that Marc (Mr. 4.0) & Becky (our new college graduate - congrats, girl!) got for his baby shower. It's been on a stuffed dog until recently. He really rocked the crabs!

This little Nike outfit was a gift from Aunt Kris and Uncle Hank and it was so freaking cute on him. He's into mostly 12 month clothes at this point. At his 9 month check up he was 29.5 inches (80+ percentile) and 20.5 lbs (35%). Tall and skinny...shocker!

Lisa and Tiff have been training for their Wasatch Back relay race in June. We both unintentionally signed up for harder runs than last year - more hills, longer runs - and are trying our best to train for them. One of our training challenges...hiking in Park City to get a little altitude training.

Our friend Jen and her dog, Spaulding, took us on a great hike. Tagg thought it was hysterical. Apparently, trying to grab mommy's hair is waaaay more fascinating than the woods and the dogs and stuff. At least he had fun! Mommy thought she was going to choke, pass out or end up with a broken back. are heavy! Seriously, though, it was a great hike and we look forward to doing more soon!

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