Friday, June 5, 2009

Time Flies!

Can't believe it's been a month since we posted. Where to start? Tagg is as fabulous as ever. His new favorite toys are the simple things: wooden blocks, tupperware (photographic evidence), splashing water without cracking a smile, one of Lisa's necklaces and a sunscreen stick. Go figure! He giggles, he babbles, he loves his books, he seems to be ambidextrous, he's fast as a whip when he crawls.

We had a great Mother's Day (are they all as great as the first one? I can only hope!). Tagg and Scott got mommy a digital picture frame for her office loaded with pictures and Tagg got a cute little frame with his hand-prints that says "Someday when I am so tall, this is to remind you that once my hands were quite small." How cute is that? Flowers, brunch...what a day!

He sprouted a couple of new teeth - one on top and one on bottom over Memorial at Lake Powell. He's standing pretty well and took a couple of steps AND said mama when Lisa left the room...but he hasn't repeated any of it so we're not sure if we can count it. Whatever! Sure we can! He's digging solid food and is quite adept at smacking any offending pureed stuff out of the way. He's quick!

He's still sleeping like a champ, probably because he spends his days chasing cousin Ashley around the house and tormenting the dog. He's decided that screaming is more fun than talking. Wow, the eardrums! He's also a great help with the laundry...loves to unstack anything that's been folded and helps with Lisa's bras.

We've so enjoyed spring and being able to be outside, although it seems like it's been more rainy than usual this year. We finally broke and got Tagg a walker. He's so close to actually walking (like actually holding his bottle on his own - sure, he can do it but if we will...why bother!). He cruises! And he loves chasing the dogs! It's a good thing we started him the day before lawn day so he had some weeds to use a speed bumps. He's quick!

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